Wednesday, December 5, 2007

And The Winner Is.....................

MARY ANN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woohoo! All the way to AZ!
And honorable mention goes to Kim, who got 6 of my 12 items right, more than anyone else, although I am completely amazed at how close everyone came. (And some people came up with some that Kim didn't!) I think Kim will get a small secondary award, maybe something small, green and minty.
M.A., give me a few days to finish getting it ready and then obviously shipping time, but I promise to have it to you by the 12th. Oh, and e-mail me your addy. Enjoy!
And thanks to all who played, I had SO much fun doing this!
If you want to know what my actual list of 12 was, let me know, I'll e-mail it to you.

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