Tuesday, December 4, 2007

12 Days of Christmas Giveaway Part II

I was asked if I was going to tell what the winner of my giveaway would actually win, and I so badly want to say except I don't want to ruin it for the winner, since they will all be wrapped presents. But.......I thought it would be lots of fun (for me) if people thought they could guess what my 12 items about me would be. I would love to see how well people know me, or think they know me! As an incentive, if you take the time to guess my 12, I'll put your name in the drawing again, even if your guesses are all wrong. I would just be happy that you tried! So come on people, help your chances at winning and humor me all at the same time!

(If you're just reading about the giveaway for the first time, refer to my last post. You still have one more day to comment. You can comment on either this post or the last for it to count.)

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