Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Salespeople, Signals and Snobs

My pet peeves are as follows:
  • When people ask you a question trying to sound nonchalant like it's completely innocent, but you can totally tell it has an underlying meaning.
  • BAD DRIVERS!!! I can't stand bad drivers in general, but by far my biggest driving pet peeve is when you are waiting to pull out into a street and you're waiting for a car to pass by so you can, and then suddenly at the last minute they turn on a street before they get to you without using their signal and you sat there waiting for them that whole time when you could have gone like, five minutes earlier.
  • Salespeople. I hate them all. Telemarketers, solicitors, anyone who works in sales. And if they work on commission they better steer clear of me, because the horns and the claws come out. Seriously, if I needed help, wouldn't I come find you? Just let me look in peace for the love of Pete!!! And then you get up to the counter and they try selling you more crap. If I needed more crap, wouldn't I have brought it up to purchase along with the items I actually want? Get a clue, people.
  • People who walk down the middle of the parking lot while you're driving, looking for a space, and won't move to the side. You cannot tell me they don't hear my engine. Basically they are snobby people who are saying, "I'm better than you, you can wait til I have made it all the way to the entrance of the store and then you may proceed. There is no chance of me taking a few steps to the left for you to get by. I'm a stupid dumb-head."
  • Incompetent people. People who can't even do their own jobs. (Can you say Walmart employee?) Seriously, you work here. This is all you have to know how to do.
  • Grammatical incorrectness. It drives me nuts. If you don't know what it means or how to use it, don't. It's called circumlocution--use the words you do know. You might think it makes you look smart to use big words or phrases, but for the actual smart people who know what it means, you look, well, the opposite of smart.
  • Open-toed shoes with socks, nylons or tights. Just not meant to be, folks.
  • When people you don't know super well call and just start talking as if you know who they are. They don't know I have caller ID! How awkward would that be if I didn't and I had to play along like I knew who the heck they were. Or, when people call who have VERY common names, like, oh, say, John, and say, "Hi, this is John." Oh, hi John, the one and only John in the whole world that couldn't possibly be mistaken for anyone else, thanks for callin'.
  • People you can't count on. People who say they'll do something for you, but never do, or they make you nag them until they finally do it and you feel so stupid having to nag them, when, why should you feel stupid when they are the one flaking out?

Okay, I better stop. I'm getting too fired up. The list could go on and on, this is by no means my entire list, but I should really stop before I really put my foot in my mouth. So on that pleasant note, have a nice day!

*Today is the start of my Enya week, featuring Orinoco Flow, her most popular song and still my favorite.

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