Thursday, March 8, 2007

Never Been Kissed

His name was Roy, and he was eleven. I know. But I was twelve, so it wasn't weird to me that he was eleven. Now it seems like we were babies. Anyway, I was in eighth grade, he was in seventh, and all the girls were in love with him. For some reason, he set his eye on me. I'd never had a guy like me before over my friends, and I was shocked. But, he ended up being my first boyfriend, and my first kiss. First nine kisses, actually.
I remember I was in the middle of taking a test and had to go to the bathroom. I got the hall pass and went, and on the way back saw Roy rounding the corner. We were the only two people in the hall. I panicked, as all middle schoolers do when they actually have to face the person they were "together with." We'd only ever talked on the phone.
We stood there making unbelievably strained, uncomfortable light talk and then I said I needed to get back to class. As I walked away, he suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me back (that part was actually really cool, straight out of a movie) and literally before I realized what was happening, my first kiss was over. It was a little peck, very sweet, but I thought my heart was going to explode it was beating so fast. Not because of the amazing chemistry with a boy whose middle name I didn't even know, no, sadly all that was lacking. It was merely from that magic of experiencing your first kiss.
Which is why the only word I could think of to describe it was "gold." Of course the cliched descriptions popped into my mind, such as "heaven", but I wanted to try and be a little creative.
So that's it. That was my first kiss. I even remember what I was wearing: my BYU football t-shirt that had images all over it of players in an actual game. It was blue.
The relationship lasted a whole eight more kisses despite the fact that I freely admitted to all my friends I felt nothing for him and was more annoyed by him than anything. But no girl in her right mind broke up with Roy. So I waited until he dumped me a few weeks later, and of course, being 12, I was devestated. Literally, my life was over. Even at the time I recognized the absurdity of the fact that I was broken-hearted over a boy I didn't even like. But when you're in eighth grade and someone dumps you, drama is the only thing that can ensue. And I thrived on drama.
I would love to hear everyone else's first kiss stories. So I guess this is my first challenge for my fellow bloggers, to blog about your first kiss. It was pretty fun, walking back down that lane of memories. Hope you find the same!

Little fact: Sarah was the go-to person between Roy and I. She had classes with him and became our messenger. What a pal.

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