The endoscopy went great, better than I could have hoped. Bill went with me and I was so happy to have him there as I waited. It was just in my doctor's office which was less intimidating, and it was fast. Once I was prepped they took me into the procedure room. I didn't realize I was going to be "out." They had told me I'd be awake and aware but really sleepy and happy. I had been nervous about that, being aware of everything. I was thrilled when instead they said I'd be asleep, but not the really comatose sleep like they do for actual surgery. The minute they stopped giving it to me I'd wake up. My kind of drug.
They had me roll on my side and gave me a plastic thing for me to bite that would keep my mouth open, and the doctor said, "Okay, give her the Happy Juice." I was fully prepared for it to be like my last experience with being put out: first I'd feel very happy and dopey and relaxed, then I'd fall asleep. (I was actually looking forward to experiencing that euphoric feeling again. It's like being high, but legally, and I can still hold a temple recommend.) But I remember hearing the lady say, "This might burn a little going in" and I thought she meant where my IV was, but then my head felt like a thousand needles was poking it and the next thing I knew, a nurse was shaking me and I was back in the prep room, and Bill was there. I couldn't believe it. They weren't kidding when they said I wouldn't remember a thing. I was amazed at how fast I woke up and how coherent and conscious I was. I immediately started talking to Bill, telling him all of this.
"Yeah, and I didn't know they were going to put me to sleep, and seriously, the last thing I remember was my head tingling, and then I was in here..."
I was thinking how disappointed Bill was going to be that I didn't say anything embarrassing coming out of the anesthesia. He was ready for some laughs, but I was just so clear-minded and normal.
"The doctor went over my labs before he started and told me it was still a little abnormal but they'd learn more once they saw inside my stomach..."
I was still marvelling at my coherency and memory when Bill smiled.
"What?" I said.
"That's the third time you've told me about your labs," he said, laughing.
I couldn't believe it! My short-term memory was ka-put. I seriously thought I was totally aware of everything but wasn't. That was almost freakier.
So then I say, "So what did they find, can I eat wheat again?"
Bill said, "Are you joking?"
I looked at him, confused. "What?" I said.
"The doctor just left here, he went over all of it with you. You asked him if you could eat wheat, and when they'd get the results back from the biopsy. You had a whole conversation with him."
I did not remember any of this!! And yet I completely remember the nurse waking me up, and all of this happened after that. It was so weird, and so funny. Bill was thrilled he got something after all.
So he starts to fill me in on what I had already been told: THEY SAW NO SIGN OF CELIAC!!! Nothing whatsoever. They are like, 99% sure I don't have it, but I have to wait for the biopsy results to know for sure and start eating gluten again. It did however, show that I do have acid reflux, which I was pretty sure I had anyway, and I can TOTALLY handle and which would explain what I've been feeling. (I had really started to question the whole celiac thing after that few weeks where I started to feel like crap again and was still not eating gluten.) I felt like they had just given me the Happy Juice. I was so elated. Not only did I most likely NOT have Celiac, but they still may have found what is wrong with me, something minor, and the whole endoscopy was over and done with and went great! It seemed too good to be true.
Then I got to go home and sleep all day in an empty house while my mom had my kids and Bill helped Ryan on their house.
Anyway, I am so glad it's over and so glad to have answers and so glad it went like a dream. Gluten here I come!!!
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