Sunday, July 8, 2007

Seven Years Ago Yesterday...

Who can believe it was seven years ago that
"blondegirl" stumbled into the chat room and found "jusa_guy"?

(Yup, these are the first e-mails that started it all...)

Our first picture taken together...

Our first official date, Bill and his friend planned a double date to Seattle to take
the Argossy Cruise of Puget Sound, and I got to go to Pike's Place Market
for the first time...

Wow, did we really used to look like that?

On 7-7-00, we got married in the Seattle Temple...

Our first Halloween together...

Two Halloweens ago we were Napoleon and Deb...

And yesterday, on 7-7-7, we had our 7th anniversary.

To jusa_guy: Happy Anniversary and thanks for the last seven years,

the best of my life! Love, blondegirl!

(This is our song)

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