Friday, April 27, 2007

Home Alone

I know this is totally late but I still wanted to blog today. My husband is leaving me tonight and most of tomorrow and every time I think about it I get butterflies in my stomach--the bad kind. For so many reasons, the main one being how much I HATE sleeping alone in my house at night with the kids. I sleep like CRAP, and that's with the lights on. Secondly, because a weekend with Bill gone becomes just like a normal week day for me. Me. My kids. At home. All day. Bored. There goes my beloved Saturday, the cherished day of co-parenting and doing things out of the house. I was so pumped to mow the lawn, work in the yard, spend some quality time together as a family....ugh.

The only upside to this is come 8:00 I am alone to do whatever I want!! I'm gonna rent the girliesh chick flicks ever, and I may....wait for it.....SCRAPBOOK! I can't wait. So, that's my weekend. I mean, it's no trip to New York, but what's a girl gonna do?

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