Monday, January 22, 2007

I Secretly Wish

Sorry everyone, my computer wasn't letting me onto my blog for some reason, but I'm back.
I saw this on a scrapbook page in Simple Scrapbooks magazine and thought it would be fun to do.

I secretly wish.....

~ I was a famous actress
~ I could speak every language there is in the world, especially sign
~ Life had a soundtrack by Enya
~ I had a beautiful singing voice
~ I was in my 2nd trimester of pregnancy (no, I'm not pregnant.)
~ I was a dancer
~ I had pretty toes that my husband wouldn't make fun of
~ I was taller
~ Taking a mid-day nap was mandatory, and no one could judge me for it
~ They discovered that it's actually sugar that's good for you, not Splenda
~ I was more self-confident, especially as a mother and a friend
~ I lived in a beach hut on the shores of Kauai
~ My kids will be popular but at the same time not care that they are
~ I didn't have to take anti-depressants for the rest of my life
~ I could turn invisible at will
~ I was everybody's best friend
~ I could play the piano
~ No one ever had to be afraid
~ Bill only had to work half day
~ We were all incapable of judging each other
~ I had a theater in my house
~ When we reach the here-after there will be a question/answer period
~ I could just think about being showered and it would be done
~ I had the ability but even more importantly the desire to cook
~ My shortcomings as a mother would have no effect on my kids whatsoever
~ I drove a brand new SUV
~ Pop was water, and vice versa
~ I had a maid
~ I had a ten second delay for censoring purposes
~ I could make someone's life easier and happier
~ I had a time machine
~ I could eat out for every meal
~ I had paid more attention in school
~ I had more "me" time
~ That I was still as naturally blonde as I was in high school
~ That people will find this list interesting

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