Friday, December 22, 2006

Time To Get The Ears Checked I Guess

Last night Bill and I were watching the First Presidency's Christmas Devotional that we had recorded and not watched yet as we sat and wrapped presents. President Monson was speaking, and suddenly Bill said, "He always reminds me of a lobster." I looked at Bill like he was crazy and said, "Huh?" And he said, "He looks like a lobster." So I look at the tv screen and think to myself, I guess his face is kind of red, but I don't know if it's enough to warrent being called a lobster. So I'm sitting there thinking, my husband is a whack job, when Bill says, "You know, like Al Capone or someone in the mafia." I burst out laughing. "You said a mobster!" I was laughing so hard I could barely tell Bill what I thought he had said, and when I finally told him he was dying. I'm not sure which is worse, though, calling President Monson a lobster or a mobster. Either way, it made for a good laugh.

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