Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Still...More Cakes

Okay, so apparently all it takes is for me to be completely, utterly stressed out and avoiding what I really need to be doing to finally get my butt to my desktop and post the rest of my cakes. So here they are, minus my most recent two. They'll come next.

Mother's Day Cake

This was in my Level 1 Wilton class, learning to do buttercream roses (not an easy thing to do, at least not for me). But I have to admit, I was happy with the result. I turned it into a Mother's Day cake (I think I put the apostrophe in the wrong spot, although grammatically it makes more sense to put it after the "s." The day is for all mothers, is it not?) The best part was when I brought it to our Mother's Day dinner with my family, my dad was all disappointed that I brought a store-bought cake. Best. Compliment. Ever.

Clown Cake (aka Blake's Blessing Day Cake)

This was my second Wilton class cake. Buttercream clowns. Yum. I "made it my own" by changing the colors to light blues and greens instead of the obnoxious primary colors they used in the book and turned it into a baby boy cake for my friend Brenda's baby boy, who was blessed the day after I made this. I think my favorite part about making all those cakes (besides decorating them) was working them into any possible reason to celebrate so I could give them away.

Rainbow Cake

First cake ever. Yes, you can totally tell. (Please note I would never have chosen to make a clown cake or a rainbow cake of my own accord.) Not much to say about this one, except that by the time I was done, I never wanted to shoot frosting out of a star tip again. Oh, and it fell on Macy's birthday.

Tomato Cake

This cake also makes me laugh. Because it's a freaking tomato. That's a cake. But when Payson's birthday rolled around, I knew it was what I had to make. (Because the boy eats tomatoes like they're chocolate.) If I were to make this now, I would make it a tad more tomato-shaped and, well, just plain better. But for being my second fondant cake, it was a pretty cute little tomato.

Mario Cake

So my Brenda has been so fortunate as to be the recipient of not one, but two of my cakes. Lucky her. This one, however, gives me the warm fuzzies because she bid on a cake made by me in an online auction to help my aunt who has breast cancer. And she won! And it made my day. She requested a cake that had anything to do with Super Mario Bros. for her son's 6th birthday party. I knew I would never in a million years be able to sculpt a Mario, or any character for that matter, so I bought Nathan a little birthday present and stuck a Mario figurine in the top. Brenda, you can't tell me now that you don't see how lopsided it was!!

That's it for past cakes. Coming up, my two faves to date: treasure chest and Macy's 10th birthday cake!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Blah Blah More Health Crap

Hiya. I'm really really gonna try to make this short.

So...finally, got all the lab test results back. And.....................................a big. fat. SIGH. Sigh because of course it's great news to hear you don't have celiac, and that you don't have the MTHFR gene mutation, along with not having any common food allergies, or any food allergies that anyone knows of, and that everything else checks out fine and dandy with the exception of high blood sugar and the ten kinds of trees that I'm apparently pretty allergic to. Great news, but a big fat sigh what. That's the $1,000,000 question. Well, this is the "now what" that my doctor and I came up with: diet and exercise to control my blood sugar (these doctors and their radical treatment ideas) and taking an antacid daily for my acid reflux, along with actually avoiding the list of foods I was given four years ago that make my reflux go crazy, which it has been lately, and which I'm thinking is the most likely suspect in this case. As for the trees that don't like me, well, seeing as I don't know an elm from a cottonwood or a birch, it's probably gonna be pretty challenging for me to avoid them. Plus I can guarantee their crap is blowing all over the place in this lovely Pasco wind. But doc and I didn't talk about those, so, that's on the back burner of my treatment right now.

So, besides a few OTC meds, it's diet and exercise. Really? After all the garbage, all the testing, the procedures, the meds, etc. it comes down to diet and exercise. Ohhhh, I get it, like being healthy. Interesting. I guess I'll have to give this "being healthy" thing the old college try. Watch, I'll probably try it and something crazy will happen, like I'll suddenly lose all this weight, or something bizarre like, have energy. Ha! Wouldn't that be something.

So that's my health update as it stands now on this here 4th of April. We'll see how it plays out from here. In the meantime, hopefully I can start blogging about interesting things again.

Spring Break....wake me up when it's over.